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3 Formal Long Hair Hairstyles for Summer - TELETIES

3 Formal Long Hair Hairstyles for Summer

Summer formal events may seem more casual as they’re outdoors, and many happen at the beach or venues like wineries. With the summer comes humidity and frizz, heat until the sunsets, and sometimes extra dryness if you’re out in the sun. So you’ll need a long hair hairstyle that works with the elements and matches your formal style.

That’s why we’ve come up with three formal long hair hairdos you can do for any type of formal summer event including weddings, cocktail parties, and a nice night out with your significant other.

The 3 Layers of a Hair Strand and How to Protect Them - TELETIES

The 3 Layers of a Hair Strand and How to Protect Them

A single strand of hair is made up of three non-living parts, the medulla (the center of the hair shaft) which is surrounded by the cortex (the bulk of the hair strand), and the cuticle which is the outermost layer. The medulla and cortex are wrapped in the protective cuticle layer, whose structure looks like overlapping shingles on a roof.

Follicles, which lie underneath the skin's surface, are the only part of your hair that is the living tissue that actively produces hair. This is where cobalamin, or vitamin B12 and iron assist your red blood cells in carrying oxygen to the hair follicles to help grow and build hair.

Braiding Can Be Bad For Hair When Done Incorrectly - TELETIES

Braiding Can Be Bad For Hair When Done Incorrectly

Yes, braids can be bad for your hair when they are pulled too tight, your hair is too long, or they’re pulling your scalp for extended periods of time as this can cause traction alopecia.

And braids can be good for your hair because this style helps hold moisture by reducing exposure to the elements and absorbent surfaces like pillow cases.  Another benefit to braids is a reduction in the amount of knots as hair is held in place when compared to loose styles, so you have to brush less often which reduces friction and breakage.

5 Messy Long Hair Ponytails and When to Wear Them - TELETIES

5 Messy Long Hair Ponytails and When to Wear Them

Ponytails and long hair go hand-in-hand. You cannot go wrong with a sleek, slick, barbie ponytail when you want depth, but when it comes to texture, movement, and fun, the messy ponytail is where to turn.

Because you can leave bangs out, it works for all face shapes. And unlike the sleek versions, you can have volume and depth by teasing your hair. It's easy to add pops of color by using scrunchies and spiral hair ties instead of elastic. It works great for sports because the pops of color can match team colors.

Yes, Brussel Sprouts Are Good for Your Hair - TELETIES

Yes, Brussel Sprouts Are Good for Your Hair

Whether you love them or hate them, brussels sprouts are a healthy hair superfood because these little morsels contain Iron which helps deliver oxygen throughout your body including the hair follicles which are critical for growth. Brussels sprouts also contain other nutrients like vitamin C, Zinc, folates, and protein to help grow strong, healthy hair.

Braided Pigtails, a Classic Summer Hairstyle - TELETIES

Braided Pigtails, a Classic Summer Hairstyle

There’s practically no long hair hairstyle more iconic for summer than pigtails. They can be left long like a ponytail, braided in French or fishtail styles, braided in the top or lower portion, and adorned with beads, LED lights, ribbons, or even butterfly clips. They’re perfect for summer because they keep your hair off your shoulders, and they’re easy to style.

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